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Your audible winter break - “Dein Potsdam”-podcast starts the 4th series

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Your audible winter break - “Dein Potsdam”-podcast starts the 4th series

Headed “Dein Traum von sans, souci. – Winterauszeit in Potsdam“(Your dream of sans, souci. – Winter break in Potsdam) the 4thseries of “Dein Potsdam”-podcast, recorded by PMSG Potsdam Marketing und Service GmbH, goes live this week.

The podcast host Anne Robertshaw talks with her colleagues and touristic partners about Potsdam in Winter, which new digital offerings are online and how to take Potsdam´s wintery charm home. This way visitors enjoy at least an audible winter break in Potsdam.

Actor and guide Sebastian Stielke chats about Potsdam’s role as UNESCO Creative City of Film. Author Rolf Toman presents the new edition of his remarkable coffee-table book “Potsdam. Kunst, Architektur und Landschaft” (Potsdam. Art, architecture and landscape.).

English speaking listeners are welcome! Each season an English episode is released. This time, Anne and the PMSG’s Social Media Manager Claudia speak about local Christmas traditions and they take the listeners on a walk along Potsdam´s festively illuminated streets.

Listen to the podcast “Dein Potsdam” on Soundcloud, Spotify, Audio Now, Apple Podcast, iTunes, Google Podcast and via


PMSG Potsdam Marketing und Service GmbH is entrusted with the tourism and culture marketing of the state capital Potsdam. This includes advising guests in the Tourist Information centres and via the service hotline as well as the broad portfolio of public and private tours. The PMSG congress office provides advice on all aspects of meetings, congresses and company events in Potsdam. The tourism marketing activities also include the publication of the travel magazine and podcast, but also the daily exchange on social media channels and websites.


Sophie Soike

Sophie Soike

Press contact 0331/2755862

"We'll match you with Potsdam!"

Potsdam Marketing und Service GmbH is entrusted with the tourism and culture marketing of the state capital Potsdam. This includes advising guests in the Tourist Information centres and via the service hotline as well as the broad portfolio of public and private tours. The Potsdam Marketing und Service GmbH congress office provides advice on all aspects of meetings, congresses and company events in Potsdam. The tourism marketing activities also include the publication of the travel magazine and podcast, but also the daily exchange on social media channels and websites.

Potsdam Marketing und Service GmbH

Babelsberger Straße 26
14473 Potsdam