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Exploring the city center by bike
Exploring the city center by bike

Press release -

Spring break in Potsdam

Those who visit Potsdam in spring delve into the fresh green of the parks and avenues and recharge their batteries between the brick-red facades and the blue Havel lakes.

Our recommendations at a glance:

A walk over Freundschaftsinsel Island

Turning right from Potsdam main station to Freundschaftsinsel Island, an oasis of peace opens up in the middle of the town. Nowhere the awakening of spring might be enjoyed better than on this green island embraced by the arms of Havel River. A sea of early flowering plants welcomes visitors already next to the entrance. The colorful heralds of spring accompany the tour through this paradise designed by Karl Foerster.

Tip: Karl Foerster's house and garden in Potsdam-Bornim are also worth a visit. The ensemble is open all year round. Guided tours are offered regularly.

Bike rides in the countryside

In spring it's finally time again: "Off to the bike!" Potsdam is particularly easy to explore by bike. It takes a few minutes to cycle from the French Temple to Cecilienhof Palace, built in the English country house style. Or from the Bohemian weaver´s district in Babelsberg to the romantic Swiss houses in Klein Glienicke neighborhood. Idyllic places invite to pause almost everywhere.

And Potsdam is also the ideal starting point to explore the notable neighborhood of the state capital of Brandenburg: the Fläming hills, the Havelland region or Berlin´s ring of suburbs.

Hiking tours

Potsdam offers a wide range of opportunities for short walks or extensive hiking tours. Two of the most beautiful long-distance hiking trails meet here: the European hiking trails No. E10 (Baltic Sea-Mediterranean) and No. E11 (Netherlands-Masuria). The intersection at Brauhausberg is marked by an unmissable glacial boulder since 1993. More hiking tours, you'll find on the website.

Follow the traits of the Dutch in Potsdam

The Dutch Quarter is one of the most striking architectural testimonies of Dutch culture in Potsdam. In Jan Bouman´s House, a permanent exhibition shows the history of the neighborhood. And attentive visitors will find more hints of Dutch influences: In the New Garden, the red brick houses belonging to the Dutch Establishment immediately catch the eye. The Dutch Garden near the Picture Gallery in Sanssouci Park is decorated with the Oranje Rondel.

The culinary offer with Dutch specialties is also tempting: how about a stop at Lakritzkontor with its variety of liquor ice to taste or at the café Poffertjes en Pannekoeken?

The touristic Oranje Route promises a multifaceted journey from the Netherlands to Germany. Cities and regions that have been connected to the House of Orange-Nassau for centuries are on the way. Potsdam is one of them.

PMSG Potsdam Marketing und Service GmbH has compiled recommendations for spring in Potsdam on its website.


PMSG Potsdam Marketing und Service GmbH is entrusted with the tourism and culture marketing of the state capital Potsdam. This includes advising guests in the Tourist Information centres and via the service hotline as well as the broad portfolio of public and private tours. The PMSG congress office provides advice on all aspects of meetings, congresses and company events in Potsdam. The tourism marketing activities also include the publication of the travel magazine and podcast, but also the daily exchange on social media channels and websites.


Sophie Soike

Press contact 0331/2755862

"We'll match you with Potsdam!"

PMSG Potsdam Marketing und Service GmbH is entrusted with the tourism and culture marketing of the state capital Potsdam. This includes advising guests in the Tourist Information centres and via the service hotline as well as the broad portfolio of public and private tours. The PMSG congress office provides advice on all aspects of meetings, congresses and company events in Potsdam. The tourism marketing activities also include the publication of the travel magazine and podcast, but also the daily exchange on social media channels and websites.

Potsdam Marketing und Service GmbH

Babelsberger Straße 26
14473 Potsdam