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Boat tour through the castle landscape
Boat tour through the castle landscape

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Between castles and lakes – A summer getaway in Potsdam

Discover Potsdam in summer – A water lover's paradise!

The river Havel and its lakes create a unique aquatic landscape the largest connected inland water sports area in Europe. Nestled like an island in this expansive scenery, Potsdam offers captivating views of its landmarks from the water. Many palaces, especially from the Hohenzollern dynasty, are situated right on the banks of the Havel and its adjacent lakes. Also the Flatow Tower, the Steam Engine House (Mosque) and the historic Glienicke Bridge offer a completely different, often even more attractive view from the water.

Garden art in Park Sanssouci

Park Sanssouci boasts the Dutch Garden, the Sicilian Garden, the Roman Baths, the Marly Garden, the Italian Cultural Piece, among others. These areas reflect not only Prussian but also European inspiration. Visitors can stroll through these diverse gardens, which are at their most beautiful in summer.

However, even Park Sanssouci is not immune to climate change. Extreme heat, intense sunlight, and prolonged drought have damaged nearly 80 percent of the trees in the UNESCO World Heritage Park. For a long time, the gardeners and conservators of the Prussian Palaces and Gardens Foundation Berlin-Brandenburg (SPSG) have been researching how to enhance the trees' resilience to the effects of climate change. The SPSG is sharing its findings with visitors at the open-air exhibition "Climate change in the green world heritage - and what we can do”, which takes place in the heart of the Sanssouci Park. Numerous approaches, strategies and advances are presented at 30 exhibition stations. Additionally, visitors receive tips on how they can contribute to environmental and climate protection in their daily lives.

Cycling through Potsdam's gardens

The best way to explore Potsdam's diverse gardens is by bike. You can rent bikes from Pedales bike rental station in Potsdam main station, for example. If you want to immerse yourself in the city's greenery, a bike tour following the footsteps of Potsdam's notable gardeners is recommended: Starting from Potsdam main station, the tour leads to the island Freundschaftsinsel with Karl Foerster's show and teaching gardens, through the Babelsberg Park designed by Prince Pückler in the English style to Klein Glienicke, an enclave in the border area during the GDR era. Across the Glienicke Bridge, the route continues into the New Garden. Here, the path leads along the Havel shore through the park to the Russian Colony Alexandrowka. The next stop is the Potsdam district of Bornim, where Karl Foerster's residence and his inviting and well-thought-out garden are located. The tour then winds through Park Sanssouci, designed by Peter Joseph Lenné, back into the city centre.

Event highlights in summer

12 and 13 July / 9 and 10 August
Nocturnal Castle Impressions
By ship along the banks of the Havel, past the illuminated castles to Sacrow. There, a brass concert awaits the convoy. The journey is accompanied by a festive 2-course menu.

9 to 10 August
Potsdamer Schlössernacht
The cultural highlight takes place for the 25th time in Park Sanssouci. Under the motto "Curtain up!", guests can look forward to fascinating light spectacles and breathtaking artistry in the open air.

More information


PMSG Potsdam Marketing und Service GmbH is entrusted with the tourism and culture marketing of the state capital Potsdam. This includes advising guests in the Tourist Information centres and via the service hotline as well as the broad portfolio of public and private tours. The PMSG congress office provides advice on all aspects of meetings, congresses and company events in Potsdam. The tourism marketing activities also include the publication of the travel magazine and podcast, but also the daily exchange on social media channels and websites.


Sophie Soike

Sophie Soike

Press contact 0331/2755862

"We'll match you with Potsdam!"

Potsdam Marketing und Service GmbH is entrusted with the tourism and culture marketing of the state capital Potsdam. This includes advising guests in the Tourist Information centres and via the service hotline as well as the broad portfolio of public and private tours. The Potsdam Marketing und Service GmbH congress office provides advice on all aspects of meetings, congresses and company events in Potsdam. The tourism marketing activities also include the publication of the travel magazine and podcast, but also the daily exchange on social media channels and websites.

Potsdam Marketing und Service GmbH

Babelsberger Straße 26
14473 Potsdam